Choke opening - 3 mins for main open 5 mins completely open (with no through draft)
plug lead resistance 20k scale 1 7.09 - long lead 2 8.35 - longest lead 3 7.93 - long lead 4 6.51 5 5.28 6 6.32 7 5.19 - short lead 8 5.19 - short lead
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Gap in side wall.. plus a lot of other 'mess'
Gap above sidewindow...
2 dips in the front roof.. one in the middle just forward of vent, goes gently to the front wall. the other dip is a localised one over to the right...
Friday, 6 March 2009
The dry side.... like most of the van the fibreglass has come away from the walls in places..
Nice up here :)
This photo shows me the roof coating is worse than I thought... I haven;t been up here for a few months :O .. I am not sure yet what the ridge is, traversing the roof.. guessing some good old aluminium
Fancy a dip ..... ?I have one...
All the seams on the van have been covered in this nasty looking but in some cases functional clear sealent..
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Being blown all over the place tonight, strong storm hitting the other front corner... somehow managed to light the pilot light on the windward side! Umbrella destroyed and the storm is not going anywhere :O ... first leak easy to spot! dripping on the bed below...
Good news, aluminium framework! the wood in the far lower corner is completely soaked, we have had no rain for days... it looks like I can just re panel all of the inside walls, dry the blue foam insulation, and then seal it all up.... I never liked the painted ply anyway, wood would look better up here....