Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Friday, 10 October 2008

Front of current carb, on bench

Current carb in situ, note two 'plugs' for vac hoses. Water heat one is on right, mainfold left

Current rebuilt carb in situ

The main 2 vac pipes, and some other bits. Various valves in the lines.. Note the two 'two outlet' ends. Pipe work on right fits a coolant sensing vacuum switch, Middle pipe fits a manifold heat sensitive vac switch, as far as I know.. (lost pics taken when all together originaly)

One of 150 diags.. should be correct or fairly close. AIR pump and black pipe can be ignored

Top (airorn) of spare carb

middle of spare carb

Rear view spare baseplate

Base plaste of spare molten carb (Front View)

Front of spare molten carb showing main ports etc.. some letters (vent 3 has an 'A' on top)